Wednesday, 30 December 2009
Barry's Ices - Character Design

Barry's Ices - Storyboards I
First up: some storyboard panels done with felt tips and that.
This one has had the contrast played with on photoshop, hence it being darker than the other one.

The credit for this composition should go to JD (who will get a link once I find out what his blog address is), but I did the pretty picture so there.

Retroactive - Foundation Grad Film: PreProduction IV
Tuesday, 29 December 2009
Retroactive - Foundation Grad Film: PreProduction III
Retroactive - Foundation Grad Film
Here for the first time since 2006 is my graduation animation from Bournville Centre for the Visual Arts.
The film is about 1:00 without credits and titles, and the production itself took 3 intensive weeks. The pre-production was much slower, as the original project was intended to be much longer, but as I realised that it would be impossible to do everything I wanted with the time that I had, I cut the story down a lot and ended up with this.
At the end credits it thanks some people, they really saved my ass when it came to the deadline as I was trying to display the animation on a monitor set 3' back inside a wooden box which was about 7' h, 2' w, 5' d. They helped me put this together at the 11th hour and I should thank them again.
I will be posting the original concept art and storyboard to give you an idea of what it was supposed to be like.
Retroactive - Animation Exercise I
Saturday, 26 December 2009
Retroactive - Foundation stuff I
Anyways, I specialised in Visual Communication, more specifically, animation. I had messed around in flash before, doing kung-fu stick figures and the like, I even tried a short film with the worst character in the world - Mr Face Man, which was basically a floating yellow emoticon. If I can find them ill post them, cos I'm sure they're good for a laugh, although I shouldn't be too hard on myself - if I hadn't experimented with those, then I would never have gotten to where I am today and would probably be studying fine art instead. That was a near miss...
I have always like animation, but I never really connected with it until I came across flash animation. My previous flip-book attempts were frustrating and I never had the patience or the motivation to plan and finish them properly. When my dad brought home a copy of Macromedia Flash MX 2004, I had access to a program that allowed me to do complex animation with comparative ease. As a result, I started to experiment with the stick figures and blobs and all that stuff, but eventually I wanted to try something with a narrative. I searched the web for good examples of flash animation, and for me, the stuff at Newgrounds was entertaining, but I couldn't see anything that compared with the atmospheres and plausible worlds of David Firth's Salad Fingers and Adam Phillips' Bitey of Brackenwood. I liked the pacing of Bitey and the creepy atmosphere of Salad Fingers, and so I set about trying to emulate them.
This first example was to see if it was possible to do shadow layers.
It was a nice clip, but it took a lot of work to do this level of detail, so I kept the shadows and the sepia look and went for something a bit rougher.
The result was this next animation called solar flare. I was listening to a lot of Boards of Canada at the time, particularly this song, and so the result was intended to be a little creepy (hence the cutaways to teeth).
The next one was to try and refine the style a bit more.
I have the storyboard for whole animation as it should be, I'll be able to post that as soon as I scan it in.
The next one was just a bit of fun, a response to an animation my friend did of his character acting bad-ass with some guns, so I thought I'd do this. Again, I'm afraid that it's unfinished, but as it wasn't storyboarded I don't really see it going anywhere else at the moment.
I did however do a more detailed character design in my first year, I think he is called Krunk, but thats probably a shit name.
Retroactive - The Long Way

Friday, 25 December 2009
Retroactive - Sol Animation I
Here are some rough animation clips from Sol which I handed in for the Spring 2009 assessment, the work I did after this wasn't marked, unfortunately, but I've still got it somewhere I think...
For ease and enjoyment, please loop the animation video files, as they are very short.
Retroactive - Sol Environment Concepts

Retroactive - Sol Storyboards
At least that's about the gist of it.